Monday, March 31, 2014

April the First

I am writing this post on the last night of March , before we get to the dreaded 1st of April and every one assumes that this is a practical joke!
I did however choose the date to start as my sense of humour is just warped that way!
Now on to my plans . . . .  I have two  arty pieces that I am moving forward with ,as from tomorrow. One is the final push on the faeries book. . . . Tales from the Land of Killybracken ,the second is a brand new idea , The  365 project , A Year of Selfies.
Most of you have heard something about the little people in my book , as it's been an on/off idea for a number of years now , so just a couple of photos of the "gang" to remind you! The gentle Spencer and the naughty Louis

The 365 project came about as I explored the art of iphone photography and is going to be a year long project of taking photographs of myself with an iphone . All editing to be done using iphone apps.
It may sound a little vain , but it is actually  quite the  opposite as I do not enjoy being "front of house" !
I will take the images as the ideas come to me ,  but edit and upload one every day to my Flickr account . Details will be on Facebook shortly.
If you are curious to see the work on the book , please call into  Just Jules.

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